After celebrated aidul adha, I had a few days of my leave to stay at home. A lot of tasks were waiting for me causes to me back early to my hostel, moreover, had my sister wanted to visit me. The day I wanted back to hostel, I got sick but when I thought my ticket I had bought, so, I just made a decision back to hostel. In my travel, I must take two bus, commuter and one LRT went to my hostel. During my ways, I only slept to decrease my sickness.
Finally, I was arrived at terminal & waited for the other bus. Had one Chinese women came to me and asked about the bus she must take to her destination and fortunately, she same with my destination. Hence, we talked about ourselves, where us from, & other issues related on our nation. Suddenly, she told me that she had traveled to Singapore, and she very proud of rule at there. For that, she told me, that anyone has broken the regulations of country will be punished by government looked for offense they made, for instance, rape’s person will be killed as a punishment and goes to steal’s person also. We story this topic due to situations happening in our country not same rules like that, and our safety more dangerous than before cause many crimes happens after the foreigner workers coming to Malaysia. Based on our topic, the Chinese women said our rule not longer the best ways to punish the criminals because sometimes they only got fine or prison to their crimes and after that, they will repeating the crimes.
In my heart, I said, the warnings of Islam is almost same likes Singapore, for example, when a criminals rape someone & he have been married, if have a witness on that crime, so, the criminals will be killed @ stoning. A wisdom of punishments to community is they don’t do like above. Therefore, the regulation in Islam by ALLAH is the best ways to obey. Only put some efforts to realize the fact @ truth in laws of Islam must be done & applied one day, insyaALLAH. Allah mention about the laws in the holy Quran, likes this link I would like to show as a reference;
As we know, Allah was emphasized in these laws not only to scare the criminals or care the victims or the community also to give lessons and know how to respect other people’s life, and got justice for victims. I hope this entry will give all of you slightly overview on the laws of Islam is running.
~sem0ga kita semua di bawah lindungan rahmat kasih sayaNgNya dunia akhirat~
~sem0ga kita semua di bawah lindungan rahmat kasih sayaNgNya dunia akhirat~
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