
Wednesday, 9 November 2011

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Aidul Adha Satu Pengorbanan
Aidul Adha satu Pengorbanan~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…..
10 – 14 Dzulhijjah merupakan satu titik tolak kepada seluruh umat Islam untuk menyambut Aidul Adha bukan sahaja di Malaysia but the rest of world. I a merupakan hari raya yang cukup bermakna buat seluruh umat Islam kerana disambut atas pengorbanan seorang insan bergelar utusan ALLAH iaitu Nabi Ibrahim (A.S) apabila perintah ALLAH menyuruh untuk menyembelih Nabi Ismail (A.S). Inilah pengorbanan seorang ayah untuk menyembelih anaknya kerana kecintaan yang tidak berbelah bahagi terhadap ALLAH s.w.t…SUBHANALLAH maha suci allah atas penghambaan dua orang insan kepada PenciptaNya…tetapi akhirnya di saat penyembelihan hendak dilakukan,maka ALLAH telah menyuruh Malaikat untuk menggantikan Nabi Ismail dengan seekor kibas. Ini lah kisah disebalik sambutan Aidul Adha yang sedang umat Islam raikan. Betapa besarnya pengorbanan seorang hamba terhadap Penciptanya kerana kecintaan yang tidak pernah berbelah bahagi.

            Maka sebagai seorang umat Islam yang menghambakan diri kepada ALLAH s.w.t, kita patut menghayati pengorbanan ini dan mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian. Semoga penghayatan kisah ini akan menambahkan lagi ketaqwaan kepada ALLAH. Di saat ini, saya kira almost of the whole ummah in the world involved in Qurban to show their thankful & sacrifice to ALLAH. How about you? Are you have afford to make the Qurban? If not, this okay. Have a various of sacrifice do you can show. If ALLAH wills it, one day you can join the Qurban or you can complete the Qurban together with your friends @ family like us as usual we do it in Jordan.  In Aidul Adha, you have 4th days to loud the Takbir..
            In 9 Dzulhijjah, all muslims are encouraged to fast because this is ‘arafah time where who make a Hajj, they will be wuquf in ‘arafah and who not join the Hajj will be fast. The benefits of fast is ALLAH will give forgiveness for a sins you do it…so, lets join us to credit your reward for hereafter.

…..and finally it finished my story & fact about Aidul,now I’m glad to story on celebrated Aidul Adha,I’m so happy because for the two years I’m not celebrated Aidul Adha with my big family, and this year I will. Although in Aidul Adha, we didn’t find for new clothes, but the important is meaning of Aidul Adha in our heart…
Like before, my family always celebrated at my grandmother’s, I back to home a day before…and I found traffic jam in my journey, so stress…besides that, this month is rain season,so cold…I arrived at home on 5.15 p.m late of the actual time.
At home,I assist my mother to pack the belongings and the foods for Aidul Adha likes ‘nasi impit’, ‘kuah kacang’ and fried chickens…we  finished all my task at 11.30 p.m…and we’re self-prepared t0 go to my grandmother’s house…s0 happy while we’re song “balik kampong” who was sang by ALlahyarham Sudirman Haji Arshad. Aftermath, at 2.30 a.m, we arrived there & lucky because my grandmother's house yet not flood.

.....the aidul adha's day coming, in the morning, we took a bath & get ready to implement our prayers at mosque. Afterwards, we back & eat special foods such as 'ketupat', 'rendang', 'kuah kacang' and many types of foods had provided on aidul adha's celebration. The rains turn down without stopped causes we only stay in home & didn't go anywhere. As usual, we was given @ provided with many varieties of entertainment on channel.

     To my mind, the appreciation about aidul adha is very important than other activities, how the sacrifice by Nabi Ibrahim a.s and Nabi Ismail a.s must to be exampled in our daily life. Hopefully, all our deeds would be accepted by ALLAH. May Allah bless our lives beyond this world.

~See you all in the next entry~


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